The Nabileon

A blog that include thing you cross by and never notice, a blog that have the science of the stupid and wisdoms of the insane

Why do we read Qur'an?

This is a beautiful story of an Old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Qur'an. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Qur'an just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?"

To know why and what good is there? Continue the post @ ~~THE SOARING SOUL~~ ...

3 Responses to “Why do we read Qur'an?”

  1. # Blogger --_--

    well Mohamed, thanks for telling me and i really like the way you have posted it with > "Continue the post @ ...." :)

    well that reminds me of having a demo version of a software and if you want the full features so go to.... and BUY!!

    have a lovely day!

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Bonjour Mohamed! Je suis Myriam, ton amie de Casablanca, on s'est parlé plus d'une fois sur msn, j'espère que tu me reconnais.
    Eh bien, je consulte ton blog par hasard et je découvre toutes les mises à jour! C'est une excellente chose.
    J'espère que tu tiendras le coup, comme ça tu feras de moi une lectrice assidue, même si je souffre un peu à lire des articles écrits en anglais :-p
    Bonne continuation!  

  3. # Blogger Mohamed Nabil

    Thx Myra , what can i say , an IT geek !!

    Myriam ,sure i know you nice to catch you here , do you keep a blog ?!!  

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